Lending Lab
Investment, banking and loan infrastructure as a service

Lending Lab provides lending technology infrastructure that matches your needs
We deliver services within compliance, investment, portfolio management, analytics, reporting, document handling, security, and much more. Our services are easy to implement and adapt and always follow legal standards. Our services, knowledge, and infrastructure make it easier for you to run your business while we take care of the rest. All at a fraction of the cost of doing it yourself.
We have built our business and infrastructure based on more than half a century of technological know-how and our own needs as experts in the banking industry. We know what works and what does not, we know the pains and the gains. We have gathered it all into one platform that gives you the freedom to outsource or expand your infrastructure as you please.
With an easy-to-understand business model, you will never experience unforeseen billing.

Lending Lab – FinTech solutions
Lending Lab develops and offers SME direct lending and marketplace lending solutions for banks, alternative lenders, etc.
Lending Lab offers two strategic solutions for marketplace lending - a standalone platform (SaaS) for our client’s own market or to be a part of an integrated and scalable turnkey crowdlending ecosystem with a community of crowdlending platforms as partner (white label or joint venture partner).
A new version of the SME crowdlending platform is expected to launch in Q2-2023 and will include solutions for international markets (including KYC/KYB/AML, multi-currency accounts, international payments, credit assessments, etc.).
The new and very flexible version of the platform allows Lending Lab to deliver prebuild components as SaaS integrated with our client’s own platform, for example, an automatic solution for KYC/KYB/AML or SME credit assessment.
In 2023 Lending Lab will launch a direct lending platform for SMEs integrated with the marketplace solution or as a stand-alone (SaaS).

Lending Lab -
Flex Funding’s FinTech solutions
Current platform
3 new FinTech business areas via our wholly owned subsidiary Lending Lab
Full Service Platform
IT from Lending Lab:
- Lending own Brand: Flex Funding, Jysk Erhvervslån, Dansk Netværkslån
- White label partners
Flex Funding:
- Credit specialists, PSD2-license, compliance, crowd, EIF-guarantee, etc.
Crowdfunding Platform (SAAS)
- Subscription fee
- Cloud based IT system/platform for the customers to use without financial services from Flex Funding
- Subscription fee
- Customers (financial and non-financial) companies who only need parts/individual modules of the platform
- Direct Lending
Modules + Services
- Subscription/pay per user
- Financial companies without internal capacity for development
- Non-financial companies (e.g. ERP providers)
- Automized flow

Investment made easy
Specializing in lending technology software, we make global investment as easy as it gets. Get access to our wide range of loans across borders or integrate our different lending components with your own infrastructure.
Global Investment
Access to multiple loans across partners and countries, to minimize risk and add additional funding capacity from multiple sources.
Automated Investment
Automated investment for quicker funding and hassle-free portfolio management.
Credit Analysis
Customized credit analysis that build on top of an automated credit scoring model for quick and hassle-free credit process.
Proven Track Record
Tried and tested track record and is validated by third-party Brismo. We have data to back our world-leading claims in losses and earnings.

Loan book management
Storing, calculating and management of any loan portfolio. All loan types over any amount of time
External funding
Lending Lab can provide global funding capacity for many types of loans
Instant reporting
Loan books can be pulled including statisticsc to assure that your portfolio is managed the way you see fit
Loan system for your data
We provide a full system for your loans. No matter the type, terms and length. We provide a full API overview and integration with reporting. To this we also provide funding capacity depending of needs and requirements to make sure your funding needs on either your loans or your costumers are met.

Updated and correct user data
Lending Lab provides a multiple set of products to assure your compliance in regards to users, their actions and identities lives up to the modern banking standard.
Our automated scan for KYC, AML and PEP and Sanctions are all available for use through our API’s with global coverage.
Know Your Customer
We provide quick and automated identity lookups to assure user identity is correct.
Politically Exposed Person
Global lookups of your users verifies if users are bound by PEP standards and let's you know.
Anti Money Laundering
We can keep an eye on financial flows and stop uncommon transaction behavior
Sanction List
We always keep track of individuals blocked from doing business in one or multiple counties.

Any currency
Multiple currency support. We facilitate all currncies and PSD2 banking for all currencies within EU as well as all leading global currencies.
Automated reporting to assure accurate documentation of all parts of the platform and the users on it.
Fully Digital Document Handling
No need for physical paperwork as Lending Lab can do all process digitally and in real-time. Contracts are sent, signed, and saved securely and virtually.
Need a software solution to make online administration quicker and easier? We provide a range of ready-to-plug components for a smoother lending experience.
Looking for something specific? We might be able to help with your particular missing software piece, send us a request and we will get back to you.

We offer full support to make sure our lending software always live up to your needs. Built on global leading technology and with secure use in mind, we guarantee a hassle-free experience, safe to integrate with your existing or newly-built online business.
Build on global leading technology to keep both speed and security at the highest level.
Full Support
Virtual support to assist clients around the world through the media of preference: Phone, mail, chat and FAQ.
GDPR Compliance
Always keeping up with European GDPR and focus on business rather than compliance.